Your Guide to Bulk WhatsApp SMS: Decoding Software Solutions and Pricing

Move over old-school text messages; there’s a new favorite in town.

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Bulk WhatsApp SMS or WhatsApp broadcast, a modern twist on traditional bulk messaging, has become the go-to marketing arm of a growing number of brands across the world.

These businesses have realized the efficacy of WhatsApp in sharing brand updates, promotional offers, discounts, and announcements to a broad audience.

And doing so, they are enjoying higher ROI and conversions compared to SMS, email, and push notifications.

This decade has seen a significant shift towards channels and tools that hook and engage users and allow brands to reach huge and growing segments of audiences.

And while Bulk WhatsApp SMS works similarly to bulk SMS, it is far more powerful.

Let’s take a look at the reasons why.

Why Should I Choose Bulk WhatsApp Over Bulk SMS?

With declining read and click rates, character limits, lack of rich media support, and increasing regulations, SMS as a communication medium has gained a reputation as a boring, transactional channel.

And what about Bulk WhatsApp SMS? How is it better?

Here are a few ways it stands out:

1. It Has Higher Engagement

Unlike Bulk SMS, where messages are mostly ignored unless they’re from your bank, WhatsApp messages are more likely to be opened and read.

WhatsApp messages have an impressive open rate of up to 98% and a 5-60% click-through rate – 10 times more than emails and SMS!

2. You Can Send Rich Media

While traditional SMS can only be plain text and has a character limit, Bulk WhatsApp SMS allows rich media.

Your brand can send images, videos, and audio files, making it an interactive and appealing shopping experience.

Visual examples of social proof, a personalized audio note by the founder- the possibilities are endless and give great freedom to brands to convey information through rich visuals.

3. You can Deliver Personalized Customer Experience

SMS has a reputation for sounding generic, cold, and unfamiliar.

Whereas WhatsApp gives you a medium for highly personalized communication.

You can tailor your messages based on your brand’s unique data on customer interactions, preferences, and even order history, helping you build a stronger connection with your target audience.

4. It Fosters Two-Way Communication

When brands plan a Bulk SMS campaign, they do so knowing it is largely a one-way communication channel.

It’s a ‘blast’ that limits customer engagement and discourages follow-up questions.

Online shopping usually causes more pre-purchase anxiety since your users can’t see the product physically.

Your brand has to be able to reassure them and convince them- and WhatsApp is a great way to do both.

Bulk WhatsApp SMS offers two-way communication, enabling customers to respond and interact with the messages.

You can gather feedback, conduct surveys, and provide 24×7 instant customer support.

5. It’s More Cost-Effective

Brands are seeing a better read rate and conversion rate and comparatively more customer interactions through WhatsApp.

The return on investment (ROI) with Bulk WhatsApp and engagement is also higher due to its rich media capabilities, making it the marketing channel of choice for growing brands.

7. It’s Based on Compliance and Customer Consent

Your customers need to opt-in to receive communication on WhatsApp from you, ensuring stronger compliance with regulations.

There’s also a secondary advantage – by sending to an audience who is genuinely interested in your campaigns, you enjoy more conversions.

WhatsApp Bulk SMS sender: How to Choose

Navigating the world of WhatsApp Marketing providers can be confusing.

You will find tools categorized mainly into two types: official solutions approved by Meta, the parent company of WhatsApp, and unofficial alternatives.

Let’s take a look at both :

  • WhatsApp Business API: Provided by Meta, it’s designed for medium to large brands that require advanced features like automation, integration with existing tech stacks, and the ability to handle large volumes of messages. The official API ensures compliance with WhatsApp’s policies and offers security with end-to-end encryption.
  • WhatsApp Business App: Another Meta product, this is more suitable for small businesses. It has basic features like automated messages, catalog features, and quick replies. While its API doesn’t support scaling brands’ needs, it’s a good starting point for brands testing the water.
  • Third-Party Whatsapp Bulk SMS Software: These tools can have additional features that are not available in the official partner tools, like advanced segmentation, complex campaign flows, and detailed analytics. However, there’s an added risk of getting banned by WhatsApp if you violate their terms.

Take a look at this blog post if you want to dive deeper: 20 Best WhatsApp Marketing Software You Should Use in 2023

But what if you want both? Innovation, high campaign customization, and a guided approach to WhatsApp marketing? Functional and compliant?

This is where we come in.

Growby WhatsApp Marketing Software

We’ve powered 100+ brands to send 1M+ messages monthly to their customers on WhatsApp.

Here are a few key advantages you get with Growby:

  • Compliance with WhatsApp Policies: We are aligned with WhatsApp’s guidelines, reducing the risk of your account getting banned, and have built-in secure and compliant communication practices like approved message templates.
  • Import unlimited contacts at no extra cost – Unlike most WhatsApp tools, we do not charge based on the number of contacts. You can upload an unlimited number of contacts through Excel or CSV and even make unlimited groups!
  • Central customer helpdesk: Through our centralized inbox, you can access all queries and chat with customers for up to 24 hours at no charge.
  • Ease of Integration: We seamlessly integrate with your existing tech stack, helping you get started with WhatsApp marketing quickly after getting onboarded.

How Much Does Bulk WhatsApp SMS Cost?

Understanding WhatsApp marketing’s cost structure can be confusing.

In this section, we’re going to demystify it so you can find out how these brand costs can impact your marketing budget and plan your broadcast campaigns more effectively.

WhatsApp Business API Costs

WhatsApp Business API by Meta works on a conversation-based pricing model. It can be categorized into two types:

  1. User-Initiated Conversations: Unlike WhatsApp Bulk SMS, these are conversations initiated by a user or your customer and have a 24-hour window. The cost for these conversations is lower, encouraging brands to quickly respond to customer inquiries.
  2. Business-Initiated Conversations: When your brand reaches out first, for example, through a WhatsApp broadcast, usually for marketing or notification purposes, they tend to have a higher cost. Why? Because Meta wants to make sure brands are sending only relevant and valuable messages.

This price structure can vary depending on the region and the volume of messages. Also, Meta routinely updates its costs, so remember to keep checking.

Growby’s Pricing Model

Instead of paying per message, you can pay per conversation, taking advantage of the free 24-hour window.

Best part? We don’t charge anything extra- go ahead and pay WhatsApp directly!

Our pricing for business-initiated messages varies depending on the country, for example in India, the rate is Rs 0.73/message/user /24hrs, or Rs. 730 for 1000 conversations! You can learn more here.

Ready to Send your Next Bulk WhatsApp SMS?

By leveraging WhatsApp, your brand can engage your customers more effectively and with higher levels of personalization.

Want a guiding hand? Reach out to our team today, and we’ll share our personal tips geared to help you succeed with WhatsApp marketing!