How to create a WhatsApp AI Chatbot

Step 1: Accessing

Open your web browser and navigate to

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Step 2:Access AI Chatbot from the Menu

Once logged in, locate and click on the “AI Chatbot” option from the menu. Upon accessing the platform, if your website has not been crawled by Robofy, you’ll be directed to the “Add Website and Language” page. Here, you can add your website and select the preferred language for the chatbot.

If your website has been successfully crawled, you’ll be directed to the WhatsApp AI Chatbot Dashboard page.

Step 3:Link Chatbot with WhatsApp

Within the dashboard, locate and click on the “Link Chatbot with WhatsApp” button. This action will prompt a popup window displaying your phone number linked to your WhatsApp Business account, along with a list of websites associated with your account. Select the desired website that you wish to link with your WhatsApp number from the provided list.


Step 4:Mapping Completed

After selecting the website, the mapping process will be initiated, and your website will now be successfully linked with your WhatsApp Business number. This integration enables seamless communication between your website visitors and your WhatsApp chatbot, enhancing customer support capabilities.

Step 5: Manage Website Selection

Should you need to make changes to the website selection or unlink a website from your WhatsApp number, simply click on the “Link Website to WhatsApp” button within the dashboard. From here, you can modify your website selections and even delete websites as needed, giving you full control over the integration process.